8 Highest-Paying Jobs You Can Do From Home (Without College Degree)

Working from home is awesome. Fortunately, nowadays there are a ton of jobs that will pay you really good money to work from home without a College Degree. Many of these jobs don’t even require that you have a college degree.

Awais gill
7 min readNov 16, 2022

In this article, I found 8 of these jobs the highest paying jobs. That you can do from home without a college degree. Some of these jobs even have the potential to make you more money than the president of the united states.

highest paying jobs you can do from home without college degree. THis must be the place of your remote work
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

1: Captioning Job

First up is the caption. Writing for a captioned call now although this is not the highest-paying job on the list. I wanted to include it on this list because from all the research I’ve done it’s one of the least stressful and easiest jobs. You can do it from the comfort of your home.

So caption call is a company that helps people with hearing loss communicate over the phone. So what you would be doing as a captioned call captioning agent is transcribing telephone conversations. So that the person with hearing loss can read what their caller is saying from the research that I’ve done from people who do this job for a living.

Dictation software is used to automatically transcribe the conversations for you. The only thing that you have to do as the Agent is just fixing minor issues within the dictation.

The job requires virtually zero communication on your part. Just some basic typing skills to get started just go to captioncall.com click on careers and then captioning agent and then apply as a caption writer for caption call.

You can expect to earn between 12 and 25 dollars per hour or about 18 per hour on average. It’s a very easy job but definitely the lowest paying on this list. Therefore I’m giving It a 1 out of 10 on the salary scale.

You can read more 7 highest-paying jobs in Part 1 of this series.

2: Shiftsmart Job

Shift smart lets you easily earn money and you can work as much or as little as you want. Now although this isn’t a typical nine-to-five career. Some of the jobs that you do with this company may not be work from home. It’s a really good place to look for anybody who’s desperate for work. Shift smart is essentially a marketplace that connects you to companies to do various work in multiple industries.

To get started you Simply download the app and submit your job application then you complete the onboarding process and then you choose your shifts and build your desired schedule.

When you start earning it may not become a long-term career for you. But it’s a good place to look if you’re in need of work. You can earn money quickly and gain new job skills in the process which you can then carry with you over into other jobs many of which.

In today’s article. In terms of how much money you can make with shift smart. It really depends on the types of jobs that you’re doing.

From the research that I’ve done, you can make anywhere from $15000 per year to as much as hundred and $41000 per year.

Depending on what you’re doing but there really isn’t an average income for this job because there are so many different fields that you can work in. Again not bad but definitely not the best on The list. So I’m going to give it a 1 out of 10 on the salary scale.

3: Data Entry Job

Data entry is a perfect job for any introvert who wants to stay at home. But still, make money. Your job is simply to use the keyboard to input data from various sources into a computer.

The job has virtually zero requirements with the exception of you. Being a good typer and most data entry jobs are remote. Remote meaning that you can work wherever you want.

If you aren’t a good typer you can Easily teach yourself how to become a better typer using free websites like typing.com. This website teaches you to become a better typer using standard tests and lessons but also games.

Most data entry jobs will pay you between $17 and $61 dollars per year with a median salary of about $30000. Definitely not bad for staying at home all day listening to music and typing. I’m giving it a two out of ten on the salary scale arguably.

4: Customer Service

One of the most common is working from home jobs that can still pay good money is customer service. Literally, every single company in the world needs customer service and there’s an infinite amount of customer service shops out there in virtually.

In every industry and with some of the best companies in the world you can find customer service jobs in medicine hospitality logistics tech finance and dozens of other industries.

A quick search of remote customer service jobs on indeed. On Indeed website pulls up a list of jobs from companies like amazon capital one and over 1100 other customer service jobs.

Customer service reps will typically earn between $27000 and hundred and $29999 per year. Depending on your industry and depending on how much experience you have.

But the average median salary for this job is about$35000. A little bit higher than the last job on the list. Definitely, Nothing compared to some of the later jobs. I’m giving it a 2 out of 10 on the salary scale.

5: Accounting Clerk

Accounting clerks work in the finance department of a company. Accounting clerks are responsible for assisting with general accounting tasks.

Most accounting clerk jobs that you’ll find will be work-from-home jobs that don’t require any college degree just a high school diploma. Some type of accomplishing experience which of course you can learn online for free.

For Example, this 5-hour-long accounting article by accounting staff will teach you everything. You need to know from start to finish about accounting to get started.

Generally speaking, this job’s going to earn you between $32000 and $162 000 per year with the average accounting clerk earning about $38 000 per year from the comfort of their home.

If you’re somebody who enjoys working with numbers then this job could be a really good fit. We still have 10 More jobs to go and the salaries are going to continue to increase. So I’m going to give this one a 3 out of 10 on the salary scale.

6: Medical Coder

Now similar to data entry but not quite the same as medical coding. A medical or clinical coder is essentially just a translator. Your job is to review patient files and translate everything in that file into universal codes that are then used by insurance companies.

It’s the medical coders' responsibility to make sure that the Right code is used. Every single time to ensure the insurance companies are being billed properly. The job does not typically require a college degree.

It’s not very stressful and it requires very little communication on your part which means you can do it from the comfort of your home. The pay range for this job is typically between $24000 and $74000 per year. The average Medical coder in the US earns about $40000 per year.

Head over to job sites like monster ZipRecruiter and indeed. Search for the word medical coder add the word remote to the end and start applying. It’s that easy I’m giving medical coding a 3 out of 10 on the salary scale.

7: Bookkeeping Job

Bookkeeping is the recording storing retrieving and analyzing of financial documents within a company.

As a bookkeeper, your primary job is going to be to provide accurate Up-to-date financial information about a business this includes things like recording company receipts paying suppliers monitoring accounts receivable, and providing financial reports.

While all this might sound a little scary. It can easily be taught and most companies will only require that you have a high school diploma to do the job. Now while bookkeeping is not traditionally a work-from-home job.

With the rise of accounting software like Quickbooks and after the recent pandemic. Many companies are now hiring remote bookkeepers who can work from home and still get paid a good salary.

The pay range for most bookkeepers is going to be between $25000 and $73000 with the median salary of about $45 000 per year for most bookkeepers not bad. Bookkeeping is a 4 out of 10 on the salary scale.

8: Recruiting Coordinator

Do you enjoy helping people find jobs and find employment? If so then a recruiting Coordinator may be a good fit for that. This job pays a good salary.

As a recruiting coordinator, your primary job is to manage the recruiting process for a company or staffing agency depending on your employer.

They may have you post jobs conduct background checks and create a pipeline of leads for specific jobs. The job is gonna require that you have good people skills because you’re gonna be doing a lot of talking to other people.

The good news though is That most companies do not require that recruiting coordinators have a college degree just a high school diploma. This is perfectly fine and the pay is also pretty good on average.

You’ll earn between $30000 and $85000 per year with the average income for this job sitting at about $44000 not too bad. I’ll give it a 5 out of 10 on the salary scale.

